Center for Health and Wellness Innovation

Recovery Resource Center

The Recovery Resource Center supports St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城的学生,他们曾与药物滥用和成瘾作斗争,现在正致力于戒酒. 我们为康复中的学生提供资源中心和住宿社区,这些学生致力于继续他们的教育.

These programs have proven highly successful; their students have emerged as vibrant campus leaders, 他们的平均绩点通常比校园里的同龄人要高. 我们采用最佳实践策略,帮助学生发展必要的行为和技能,使他们在学业上取得成功, 从个人和专业角度来看,在康复过程中:

  • 校园里的物理空间——恢复资源中心
  • Safe, supportive on-campus housing
  • Weekly support group meetings
  • Clinical services
  • Sober social events and activities
  • Scholarships
  • Peer-to-peer support and accountability
  • 校园和社区信息,推荐和宣传
  • Community service opportunities

Resource Center Location

Recovery Roommate Matching




Support Group Meetings


What Recovery Community is Not

Contact Information

Huskies in Recovery Newsletter

Connect with SCSU