
24-month STEM Extension

What is a STEM Extension?

A STEM Extension is an additional 24 months of Post-Completion Optional Practical Training (OPT) granted to certain degree holders in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). 

Key Aspects

  • Students need to apply to U.S. 美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS) for STEM Extension authorization with the help of both their employer and a Designated School Official (DSO) from the 国际研究中心 (CIS)
  • The STEM Extension is official once the student receives a new STEM EAD (Employment Authorization Document) card from USCIS


  • Student is participating in Post-Completion Optional Practical Training (OPT).
  • Student is working for a U.S. employer in a paid job (at least 20 hours/week) directly related to the student’s major area of study.
  • 这个学生已经完成了一个项目的学位 stem指定学位课程列表.
    • Exception for students completing a thesis, dissertation, starred paper, or capstone.
  • 学生在一家注册的公司工作 E-Verify employment verification system and has an IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN).
  • Student has not 在毕业后OPT期间失业超过90天.
  • A student may use a prior STEM degree from an accredited SEVP-certified school if:
    • They have received their most recent degree (does not need to be a STEM-Designated Degree Program) from an SEVP-certified 目前获得认证的学校.
    • They have received their prior, qualifying STEM degree (at the bachelor’s level or higher) within 10 years preceding the date of application for the STEM Optional Practical Training extension with USCIS.
  • 如果学生符合以下条件,则不能申请STEM延期:
    • Finished  or end-dated their post-completion Optional Practical Training.
    • Has received a STEM extension of any duration at the same level as the student now wants to apply.  A student must earn a second qualifying degree to seek a second STEM extension.
    • Has exceeded 90 days of unemployment during their post-completion Optional Practical Training period.

 Things to Know before Applying

  • 学生最早可以申请STEM延期的时间是 在OPT结束前90天.
  • The latest a student can apply for a STEM Extension is on their OPT end date (USCIS must receive the application by this time).
  • 毕业于上海外国语大学 以便有资格获得STEM延期.
    • Exception: the student's academic advisor provides a letter explaining (a) why the degree has not been conferred and (b) when it will be conferred.
  • While the STEM Extension application is pending, the student's Post-Completion OPT is automatically extended until the STEM application has finished processing (或180天,以较早者为准).
  • USCIS usually takes about 3 months 处理STEM扩展申请.
  • 当授予授权时,授权通常是 valid for two years.

Steps for Applying

To apply, students will need to 向USCIS提交STEM OPT申请 with the help of their current OPT employer and a Designated School Official (DSO) from CIS. These are the steps:

  1. Review the Eligibility requirements and Things to Know before Applying 以确定您是否符合资格. 如果你不确定,你可以联系CIS寻求指导
  2. Pay the $200 STEM行政处理费
    • While you are working in the U.S. on your STEM Extension, 联邦政府要求CIS维护, update, and report on your SEVIS record until all employment authorization has concluded. 这笔费用抵消了所有sevp规定的就业报告费用.
    • To pay, send an email requesting the processing fee to be added to your account
    • 以下列其中一种方式缴付处理费:
      • Online – through e-Services (rockmark.net); Mastercard, Visa, Discover, or E-Check accepted
      • Phone – call the Cashier’s Office at (320)308-4012; 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM, Monday – Friday
      • In-person – Administrative Service Building, Room 123; 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM, Monday – Friday
  3. 提交以下文件通过 STEM OPT Request Form
    • 收到$200 STEM处理费
    • Completed Draft Form I-765
    • 非官方或官方成绩单
      • 非正式成绩单可通过以下网址下载 e-services. 正式成绩单必须通过 Records and Registration. 成绩单必须显示学位授予日期.
      • Note: Official transcripts must be submitted in your STEM OPT extension application to USCIS. 不要在你的包裹里提交非正式的成绩单给USCIS.
    • 雇主的信,抬头抬头,包括:
      • E-Verify上列出的雇主姓名
      • 雇主的E-Verify公司识别号码
      • 详细描述工作职责
      • Salary
      • Location of the company
      • Part- or full-time
    • Form I-983
      • Be sure you are using the 7/16 edition (found on the bottom left of the form)
      • You should download the form and type in the required information using the table below.
Item Important information
Student email address
输入您的个人电子邮件地址,而不是St. Cloud State email
Enter St. Cloud State University unless the STEM application is based on a degree program from a previous SEVIS-certified, accredited school. Then enter that school name.
SCSU主校区= SPM214F00271000
SCSU普利茅斯校区= SPM214F00271001
Designated school officials
Kristy Nelson Ramos: 320-308-4287
Qiwei Zhang: 320-308-4274
STEM OPT Request Period
The "From" date should be the day after your OPT ends (according to your EAD card).
Qualifying major and classification of instructional programs (CIP) code
This can be found on the 1st page on your I-20 under “Program of Study” or under #5 on the old I-20.
CIP code is in this form: XX.XXXX.
Date Awarded
This is the date that your degree was conferred (see your official transcript).
Employment Authorization Number
This is the “A” number on your optional practical training employment authorization document card.

Example of the OPT EAD card
Sections 3 and 4
Section 3: Employer ID number
EIN号码和E-Verify号码不一样. EIN号码格式为XX-XXXXXXX
The date is 与STEM OPT的开始日期相同. 这可能是你录取通知书上的实际日期,也可能不是.  
Section 5
Section 6
Evaluation on student progress
This section is to be completed by the student and employer at the student’s 12-month date of the STEM extension. 它不应该包含在此应用程序中.
This section is to be completed by the student and employer at the student’s 24-month date of the STEM extension. 它不应该包含在此应用程序中.

4. A DSO will review your request. If eligible, the DSO will enter the STEM OPT request in SEVIS and create a new STEM OPT requested I-20. 申请信息将在I-20的第2页找到.)

5. You will receive 你的新STEM OPT要求I-20和进一步的电子邮件说明.


  • You are responsible for submitting your application to USCIS within 60 days of the date the DSO requests STEM OPT in SEVIS.
  • 在线提交(推荐):请阅读我们的 STEM OPT在线申请指南. Gather all of the application materials that USCIS requries -- see "向美国移民局申请材料的完整清单(在线提交)" below. You will need to create a USCIS online account if you do not already have one.
  • 以邮寄方式存档:请阅读我们的说明 将您的申请邮寄给美国移民局. There is a different list of materials that must be sent to USCIS by mail, including the official I-765 PDF form (NOT the CIS Draft I-765). 


  • 数码护照照片(2x2照片)
    • Must be recent (within the last 30 days), in color, and meet US passport photo standards.
    • Photos can be obtained at Walgreens, Walmart, or a local photography shop. You may also take your own, but the photo file must meet USCIS’s photo requirements.
  • 有效护照识别页
  • I-94 record
  • Previous EAD card(s) (front & Back)
  • 最近的I-20中STEM OPT申请状态在第2页
    • The I-20 must have been endorsed by the DSO within 60 days of submitting Form I-765. 在那之后,你的申请可能会被拒绝.
    • You must print the I-20, sign & 日期在第一页,并扫描签名的副本上传.
  • Official transcripts
  • $470,用借记卡/信用卡支付

Acceptable File Formats
Photos: JPG, JPEG, PNG
Documents: JPG JPEG, PDF, TIF, TIFF (.doc or .bmp files are not allowed)
Maximum size: 6MB per file

 **You do not need to submit your employment offer letter or Form I-983 to USCIS. 国际研究中心会为你存档.**


  • USCIS usually takes 2-3 months to process STEM OPT Applications.
  • Once your application and payment are submitted, you can use your online account for the following:
    • Access your receipt notice
    • 查阅生物识别通知书(如适用)
    • 证据审查请求(rfe),如果适用的话
    • 查看您的案例状态(通过案例状态选项卡)
    • 请参阅I-765表格的PDF格式
    • Access your Decision Letter
  • If your application is returned with a Request for Further Evidence (RFE), you should contact a DSO for assistance. 我们可能需要为您重新制作一份I-20表格.
  • When your application is approved, USCIS will send the EAD card 邮寄到您在申请中提供的邮寄地址.
  • 你应该向你的雇主提交一份工作许可证的复印件. 
  • If your application is denied, USCIS will notify you.


在STEM OPT延期期间,您必须 定期报告你的选择性实践培训工作情况. 请访问报告要求的链接.

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