



随着疫苗和增强剂的广泛使用, 易于进行Testing, 更多的治疗选择, we continue to offer a variety of safety protocols to address COVID-19. COVID safety measures are continuing to have a positive impact in Minnesota. 2019冠状病毒病的情况继续演变. While we do not anticipate changes to our current safety protocols and plans, adjustments will be made if COVID conditions change drastically and threaten the safety of members of our campus and the community.


St. 云州继续使用增强的清洁协议.   


All students and employees will be required to monitor their personal health for symptoms. 的 哈士奇健康检查, 要检查的症状列表是什么, is a good way to make sure individuals are monitoring their health as they  enter or  campus or access facilities. 

If a student or employee has any of the symptoms on the 哈士奇健康检查 list, they will be required to stay home to rest and recover rather than coming in person to class or work.    

哈士奇运行状况检查可在 访客页面. It is a not a daily questionnaire as required at the start of the pandemic — it is a tool that should be part of one’s daily routine to determine whether they should access campus or stay home when feeling ill.  

因为它与COVID-19有关, 如果有人出现哈士奇健康检查列表上的症状, 强烈建议进行检测.


Space capacity limits and physical distancing requirements expired in May 2021 in response to the Governor’s announcements and MDH guidance. 

St. 云州继续建议至少保留一只哈士奇(Husky).g.彼此相距3英尺. This is not, however, a mandatory physical distancing requirement, only a recommendation. 


2022年至2023年,圣. 云州 does not anticipate having any testing or vaccination attestation requirements for employees or students.   

 参加临床或实习经历的学生, partner organizations who provide these experiences may have their own testing or vaccination status attestation requirements, and these sites may require students to comply with these requirements in order to participate in these clinical or internship experiences. 在医疗环境中尤其如此. 如果学生希望参加在这些网站的经验, they will need to comply with the site’s testing or vaccination attestation requirements. St. 云州 will not be administering testing or vaccination attestation processes for student compliance with site requirements — students will be responsible for complying with such requirements if they wish to participate in experiences at these sites.  


的 Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) testing center on campus has now ended operations. 妇幼保健中心目前正在与一个社区组织合作, the 非洲移民和难民组织中心(开罗), 在他们的所在地提供免费Testing. Please find information from MDH on this testing option below and 查看其他Testing资源.

St. 云,MN 56301
(320) 281-3232

     工作日:早上9点.m.-5 p.m.



St. 云州 Continues to not anticipate testing or vaccination requirements for students or student athletes for the 2022-2023 school year.

SCSU医疗诊所 offers different testing options including a rapid PCR test, or molecular test. 学生 can call or make an appointment via the website rather than just coming in to the office. 可以进行面对面和远程预约.
在线: myhealthservices.rockmark.net

为所有明尼苏达州人提供免费的COVID检测 (包括所有SCSU学生)

为美国所有家庭提供免费的联邦Testing.S. (包括所有SCSU学生)


St. 云州 will monitor the COVID-19 community levels for Stearns and Hennepin Counties. 这些水平有助于衡量COVID对社区构成的风险, 包括传播率和医疗资源可用性.

St. 云州 will continue to provide safe and separate on-campus isolation and quarantine options for residential students who wish to remain on campus during a quarantine or isolation period.


If the COVID-19 community level shifts to a level of “high” for Stearns or Hennepin counties and remains at high for at least one week, St. 云州 will recommend that all campus community members wear masks indoors. 这将是一个建议,而不是一个要求. Anyone who would like to wear a mask on campus will continue to be supported in their decision to mask.
MDH only recommends that universities consider a campus-wide mask requirement if a county’s COVID-19 community level is at high and at least two other significant risk factors are present, which include such factors as institutional resources being nearly exhausted, 追踪接触者变得不切实际, 隔离空间越来越满.

虽然圣. 云州将经历如此高的风险因素, 如果我们的县确实达到了COVID-19的高社区水平, St. 云州将密切关注校园内的情况. 如果确实出现了两个或两个以上重要的额外风险因素,St. 云州 will determine whether an indoor mask requirement is necessary, 得到了卫生部和我们自己诊所专业人员的意见.

Masks will continue to be required for now in healthcare settings on campus, 包括校园MDHTesting中心, SCSU医疗诊所, 以及语言和听力诊所.

Anyone can wear a mask at any time on campus if they wish, and will be supported in that decision.


St. 云州 will only require event safety plans if Stearns County shifts to a high COVID-19 community level. 如果发生这种情况, event safety plans will be required for all events that don't meet the low-risk criteria below. If Stearns County is not in a high COVID-19 community level, no event safety plans will be required.

不需要事件安全计划的低风险事件, 即使斯特恩斯县处于COVID-19的高社区水平:

  • 那些发生在户外的.
  • Those that occur in groups that live together (this applies to residence hall students that occupy the same rooms or floor community) (masks are required when indoors and University guidelines dictate).
  • 人们通常至少3岁, 理想情况下是6 feet apart and there will be no singing or shouting. (Masks are required when indoors and University guidelines dictate).
  • In person meetings of less than 25 people where there will be at least 3, 理想情况下是6, 与会者之间的距离.

This information is subject to change in response to the evolving conditions of COVID-19.