Regulatory Affairs and Services (M.S.)





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成为…的一部分 ENCQR now, a student organization for the Emerging Network of Clinical, Quality and Regulatory 专业人士. 

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We are happy to announce our new core committee 

  • ENCQR Organization Advisor – Will Collis- Prather
  • President – Bharathi Rudroju (RAS)
  • Vice President – Mbaboh Ngah-Wanneh (RAS)
  • Treasurer – Sharath Sanga (MTQ)
  • Secretary – Tusmitha Gunabalan (MTQ)
  • Event Manager – Simran Pawaskar (ACR)
  • Career Outreach Committee – Smeet Vardam (RAS)
  • Social Media Manager - Manali Salvi (RAS)

Values of being a part of ENCQR member
• Develop your network of Clinical, Quality and Regulatory 专业人士
• Make connections directly with company representatives 

  • Take advantage of all the professional development events
  • Get an opportunity to learn for the 校友 on how to be successful
  • Make sure you are part of the fun events to relieve stress from school and work!!

Kier Krefting, President ENCQR

Congratulations to Regulatory Affairs student Becky Moore

Becky Moore accepts NSLS certificate

What is the National Society of Leadership and Success?

The NSLS is the nation's largest leadership honor society. Students are selected by their college for membership based on either academic standing or leadership potential. Candidacy is a nationally recognized achievement of honorable distinction. 

In addition to honorable distinction, the NSLS provides a step-by-step program for members to build their leadership skills through participation at their campus or online. 项目完成后, members receive their leadership certificate and take their place among the top student leaders at their campus and across the country. Members are able to list their affiliation on all statements of personal accomplishment, 包括他们的简历.  

Membership provides access to benefits including scholarships and awards, 独家校园活动, employer recruitment through an online job bank, 还有电脑折扣, 教科书, 研究生院预备课程, 保险等等.

Nomination criteria is determined by the local chapter leaders and is typically based on GPA and/or leadership potential. Students invited to their school's chapter have earned distinction with their nomination, but must complete the leadership program requirements to achieve induction.



The NSLS is founded upon the core beliefs that one can achieve one's dreams with the proper support and dedicated action, and that we accomplish more together than we would achieve alone. It began with founder Gary Tuerack's vision of creating a community where like-minded, success-oriented individuals could come together to learn from and support each other. 

As a child, Gary was an extremely slow reader and struggled in school. In order to overcome this difficulty, he learned strategies to increase his reading speed, 浓度, 记忆与成绩. He went on to become an Ivy League graduate. Inspired by his ability to set "unrealistic" goals with focused action and support, he dedicated the next decade out of college helping college students to achieve the success they desire. 

Benjamin Franklin once said, "Many people die at 25 and aren't buried until 75." People don't go after their dreams because they don't believe they are possible. The vision of the NSLS was inspired by the passion of helping people wake up and believe in their own potential that they might not be seeing yet. 

The National Society of Leadership and Success was founded with the sole purpose of creating lasting positive change. Beginning with a handful of chapters, the NSLS now reaches hundreds of thousands of students at hundreds of chapters around the world. The NSLS encourages community action, 志愿服务, personal growth and strong leadership from its chapters and members.

The NSLS was founded in 2001 and has recently reached one million members. It is also known as Sigma Alpha Pi, Success Action and Purpose. The St Cloud Chapter was founded in 2011, and has 1700 members (< 3% of the student body). 51 members were inducted into the SCSU chapter on Dec. 8.



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