


学生教学有几种选择, which is the capstone experience for each licensure certificate program.

Students wishing to obtain a K-12 Minnesota special education teaching license in Developmental Disabilities (DD), 学习障碍(LD), or Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (EBD) will complete one of the following:  

  • A traditional student teaching experience during fall or spring semester
  • 暑期实习120小时
  • 在他们目前的教学网站上的一个能力选项


Graduate students who do not have a teaching license and who do not have at least one year of contractual teaching experience will student teach for a semester. They will teach in their licensure area in an elementary setting and a secondary setting.


  • 秋季学期3月1日
  • 10月. 1为春季

在网上申请 临床经验办公室 实习前两个学期.


Graduate students with at least one teaching license and at least one year of contractual teaching experience are eligible for an abbreviated summer practicum of 120 hours. Students pursuing Learning Disabilities licensure will complete the methods and practicum in a summer block; methods will be held on weekends during intersession and the 120-hour half-day practicum will be held over a week-week period at the Reading and Math Camp in the Sauk Rapids-Rice School District.

Developmental Disabilities and Emotional and Behavioral Disorder summer placements will be made in school programs located as close to your place of residence as possible, 虽然这取决于程序的可用性.

应用 in the Department of Special Education by March 1 or by the time indicated in the letter you will receive from the Department of Special Education in early February.

There is a two-part application through the Department of Special Education. 申请者必须:

  • Complete the white form indicating your intent to complete summer graduate practicum
  • Complete the yellow form requesting your placement site and describing your teaching experience

Procedures are discussed in detail during the fall and spring methods classes.


Graduate students who have at least one special education teaching license and who are working on a variance in the licensure are they are pursuing may wish to document teaching competencies instead of completing the summer practicum.

Documentation of Minnesota Board of teaching standards may be completed during the fall or spring semester.


  • 三月一日秋季学期
  • 10月1日春季学期

Students wishing to apply for SPED 实习 Competency Documentation must meet the following criteria:

  • 持有其他特殊教育类别的执照.
  • Have at least three years employment as a special education teacher.
  • Be teaching in the licensure area being pursued and 50 percent of the candidate's caseload must be students identified in that area.
  • 完成所有必修课程.
  • Submit a cover letter with the application documenting former and current contractual teaching experience.
  • Signatures of the applicant’s current supervisor and the district administrator are required on the application form.

Students can apply online 实习前两个学期 through the 临床经验办公室


Students may also do a portion of their student teaching during fall or spring semester via the Common Market, which allows them to do one of their student teaching experiences at another 明尼苏达州 Colleges and Universities four-year institution.

Students also have the option of teaching in another state or country.

To be eligible for an alternate student teaching site students must have:

  • GPA不低于2分.75
  • 专业课成绩在C以上
  • No active professional concerns or Action Plans on file in the Special Education Department or the 临床经验办公室
  • Fewer than four N’s and no U’s on field experience evaluations
  • Successfully completed all other coursework and field experiences, including methods class
  • 留学生保险

Students are ineligible to student teach at an alternative site if they have:

  • Completed a previous student teaching experience at an alternate site
  • Been removed from or been required to complete field experience
  • Were asked to repeat, were terminated or did not complete their first student teaching session


Students should follow the application procedures of all the entities involved in the alternate site student teaching experience. 根据目的地的不同,学生将完成:

  • 北爱荷华大学
  • St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城 临床经验办公室 (OCE)
  • 圣克劳德州立大学特殊教育系
  • St 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城 Center for 国际研究 (CIS)

Students are bound by all St 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城 policies, which are described in handbooks and on websites that pertain to student teaching and alternate site student teaching.

Students must obtain appropriate application materials from St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城 临床经验办公室,特殊教育部门办公室或 国际研究中心


  • 你对学生在另一个地点教学的兴趣.
  • 你能/不能说那个地方的语言.
  • 你认为在那个地方会有所不同.
  • 你将如何准备.
  • 你认为你将如何应付和适应新环境.
  • An 备选地点学生教学 application form from the Department of Special Education.
  • 两封教员的推荐信.