
圣. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城 护理科学系 believes nursing is a professional discipline grounded in the knowledge of the sciences, 艺术, 和人文, 以专业价值观和职业道德为核心. 成立于2000年的护理科学倡议, the program has grown to include admission in both fall and spring semesters along with an RN to BSN program. Graduates’ NCLEX-RN passing rates are consistently above the national average and are at the top in the State of Minnesota. 项目 are approved by the Minnesota Board of 护理 and accredited by the Commission on Collegiate 护理 Education (CCNE).


高中提前录取 is a unique program that guarantees participants will be admitted to the 护理科学系. Students begin their studies receiving guidance from the 护理 Student Services Coordinator, and then complete their sophomore (second semester) through senior years of college in the 护理 Major. Students who indicate an interest in nursing on their freshman admission applications are automatically considered for selection to this program. Additional details about selection and eligibility are included below.


There is no separate application for 高中提前录取. 当你 申请大一入学,将“护理学学士”列为你的目标专业.

What factors do you consider when selecting students to participate in 高中提前录取?

When we make admission decisions for students applying for freshman admission to St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城, we also consider students for participation in 高中提前录取.

入读St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城很有竞争力, and admission to 高中提前录取 is particularly competitive. The competitiveness of admission each year is based on the number of applications received, 申请人的学历, 以及可用空间的数量.

录取决定是基于非常仔细的, overall assessment of each student's academic preparation and performance, as well as the additional information provided in the application, 基于下面列出的主要和次要因素. The strongest consideration in the decision is given to the primary factors, 没有单一的因素是决定的因素. For a complete list of factors that we consider when we make and admission decision, 请参阅我们的入学审查和选择过程.


The 招生 Committee selects a group of incoming freshmen with an interest in nursing and with a record of outstanding achievements. Participants are guaranteed admission into the 护理 major in the second semester of their sophomore year. Students do not need to participate in the competitive admission process at a later date, provided that they meet certain criteria during their first three semesters.

The nursing major begins in the second semester of the sophomore year. 通常, students interested in nursing apply to the major during the first semester of their sophomore year in college. 高中提前录取 is a great opportunity because you have already been admitted.


当你参加新生培训的时候, you will meet with the 护理 Student Services Coordinator who will serve as your advisor until you formally enter the nursing program.

What college courses do students take the first three semesters? 

高中提前录取 students need to meet certain criteria during their first three semesters of college. 请咨询您的指导老师,以选择必修课程.

为了保持你的高中提前录取状态, 每门必修课程必须以B或更好的成绩完成, 总体平均成绩要求为3分.前三个学期必须保持0.


联系 招生办公室 去找招生顾问或者 护理科学系 to schedule a visit with the 护理 Student Services Coordinator.


We believe that selecting students from a highly talented group of applicants requires an individual assessment of all application materials submitted for each student; every application is read in its entirety.

录取决定是基于非常仔细的, overall assessment of each student's academic preparation and performance, as well as the additional information provided in the application, 基于下面列出的主要和次要因素.


  • Coursework through high school (Admitted students typically exceed the university's high school requirements).
  • 平均绩点3分.6或以上
  • ACT成绩达到24分或更高



A very strong curriculum during high school will enhance students' success in college, because college courses build on the skills and knowledge taught in high school. 最后一年尤其重要, and we expect students to continue with math and science for all four years of high school.

计划变化和大四表现: We consider the application to be a contract between the student and the University, with the student agreeing to successfully complete senior year courses listed on the application, and achieve grades consistent with their academic performance through 11th grade.

8月, 在收到最终成绩单后, we review each student's senior year coursework and the grades earned in those courses to confirm course completion and that the performance during the senior year is consistent with the academic performance at the time of application. Unsuccessful completion of senior year coursework and/or a significant decline in academic performance during the senior year may result in the cancellation of the Freshman Early Admission 护理 Program.

考虑改变课程表的学生, or those who are concerned about their academic progress in any of their courses, 必须咨询护理学生服务协调员吗.





  • 临时学生服务协调员
  • 冲洗液,女士