Dean of Students

Husky Assistance and Care Team (ACT)

Husky Assistance and Care Team (ACT) provides individualized student support, assistance, 通过简短的案例管理和协调一致的回应来帮助他们驾驭复杂的大学经历,以实现他们的学术和个人目标. 根据事件和转介是否对学生或他人的安全和福祉构成威胁,事件和转介可能会升高.

Husky ACT is a multi-disciplinary team led by the Dean of Students at St. Cloud State University. 核心团队每周召开一次会议,审查和讨论由学生办公室工作人员分类的学生案例,以确定和实施适当的行动,提供所需的支持和帮助,帮助学生取得成功,实现他们的个人和学业目标. 学生事务处的工作人员负责对收到的转介进行分类, gathering information, consulting with reporting parties, 与校园合作伙伴合作,确定行动和干预措施,以支持学生的福祉.

该小组还将与危机护理小组(重大事件压力管理)和 Bias Incident Response Team 对影响学生,员工和更大的校园社区的重大事件作出反应. 

This team does not address concerns of harm to others. 如果出现这些担忧,该案件将提交威胁评估升级.

Team Membership

学生教务长办公室是学生健康问题的中心仓库, safety, well-being, and behaviors of concern. 学生教务长办公室负责审查和分类收到的转介, gathering information, consulting with reporting parties, 与校园和社区合作伙伴合作,确定干预措施,以支持学生的福祉. 学生办公室主任在这项工作中得到了赫斯基ACT成员的支持,他们代表了整个大学几个部门的行政人员, psychological, academic and legal expertise. The team operates within FERPA/HIPAA requirements.

每周与核心成员召开会议,审查新的和正在进行的学生案件. 每月赫斯基ACT会议包括核心团队和赫斯基ACT联络员,以审查学生行为的趋势,帮助学生了解校园教育和专业发展机会, faculty, and staff.

Core Members

  • Dean of Students (Chair)
  • Assistant Dean of Students
  • Assistant Director of Residential Life
  • Director of Counseling and Psychological Services
  • Director of Public Safety
  • Director of Student Accessibility Services
  • Executive Director of Student Success and Advising

In an Emergency

The following are rare instances when a student’s behavior poses a threat of:

  • Danger and/or injury to self or others
  • Significant disruption of the educational process
  • Property destruction

In these cases, prompt action should be taken. Depending on your circumstances and level of concern you might:

  • Attempt to calm the student
  • Ask the student to leave your class or area
  • Dismiss your class and leave the area
  • 如果你感觉到迫在眉睫的威胁或需要立即援助,请拨打911. Cloud Police and call 320-308-3333 Public Safety

Identifying Students of Concern

Responding to and Assisting Students of Concern

Referring Students of Concern

Privacy Considerations

Referral Form for Student Support

作为哈士奇社区的成员,我们支持我们的学生作为一个整体,有时这意味着帮助他们获得一些额外的帮助.  鼓励教师和工作人员使用此表格将学生推荐给赫斯基ACT团队,以帮助连接资源. You can use this form to refer students of concern for a variety of reasons, including (and not limited to):

  • Emotional distress
  • Grief and loss
  • Concerning Behaviors

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