
Statement of Non-Discrimination

明尼苏达州 Colleges 和大学 Statement of Non-Discrimination

No person shall be discriminated against in the terms and conditions of employment, personnel practices, or access to and participation in, 项目, 服务, and activities with regard to race, 性, color, 信条, 宗教, 年龄, 国家的起源, 残疾, 婚姻状况, status with regard to public assistance, 性取向, 性别认同, or 性别表达. 除了, discrimination in employment based on membership or activity in a local commission as defined by law is prohibited.

Harassment on the basis of race, 性, color, 信条, 宗教, 年龄, 国家的起源, 残疾, 婚姻状况, status with regard to public assistance, 性取向, 性别认同, or 性别表达 is prohibited. Harassment may occur in a variety of relationships, including faculty and student, supervisor and employee, student and student, 教职员与学生, employee and employee, and other relationships with persons having business at, or visiting the educational or working environment.

This policy is directed at verbal or physical conduct that constitutes discrimination/ harassment under state and federal law and is not directed at the content of speech. In cases in which verbal statements and other forms 的表达 are involved, 明尼苏达州 Colleges 和大学 will give due consideration to an individual’s constitutionally protected right to free speech and academic freedom. 然而, discrimination and harassment are not within the protections of academic freedom or free speech.

系统办公室, 大学, and universities shall maintain and encour年龄 full freedom, 在法律范围内, 的表达, 调查, 教学, 和研究. Academic freedom comes with a responsibility that all members of our education community benefit from it without intimidation, 剥削, 或胁迫.

This policy shall apply to all individuals affiliated with 明尼苏达州 Colleges
和大学, including but not limited to, 学生, 员工, 申请人, 志愿者, 代理, and Board of Trustees, and is intended to protect the rights and privacy of both the complainant and respondent and other involved individuals, as well as to prevent retaliation or reprisal. Individuals who violate this policy shall be subject to disciplinary or other corrective action.

This policy supersedes all existing system, 大学, and university 平等的机会 and nondiscrimination policies.

St. 云州 University Statement of Non-Discrimination

St. 云州 University will provide equal education and employment opportunities to all persons following the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (CRA), 修订的, which prohibits certain forms of discrimination in providing educational 项目 under 第九条 and employment under Title VII. Specifically the CRA prohibits discrimination based on race, color, 国家的起源, 性, 或宗教. Federal law also prohibits discrimination based on 年龄, 残疾, 怀孕, and certain Veteran status. The State of Minnesota further prohibits discrimination based on 婚姻状况, 性取向, receipt of public assistance or membership on a human rights commission.

In compliance with the law and as an integral part of the mission of this university, St. 云州 University is committed to providing equal education and employment opportunities to all students and 员工 regardless of race, 性, color, 信条, 宗教, 年龄, 国家的起源, 残疾, 婚姻状况, status with regards to public assistance, 性取向, 性别认同, 性别表达, 或作为美国公民的身份.S. 经验丰富的.

To carry out this commitment, St. 云州 University not only prohibits discrimination in policy and process, but takes affirmative steps to prevent 性ual and discriminatory harassment in the workplace and classroom. St. 云州 University students or 员工 with concerns or uncertainty about possible harassment or discrimination are encour年龄d to contact Chocoletta A. Simpson who is the university Designated, Equity & 访问人员, ADA协调员, and 第九条 Compliance Coordinator phone (320) 308-5123 or via email at chocoletta.simpson@rockmark.net or oea@rockmark.net. At k51u.rockmark.net/oea/policies, are policies and procedures pertaining to discrimination, harassment and 性ual assault, as well as information on available resources.