
明尼苏达州 Colleges and Universities System Board 政策 on Student 权利与责任

根据 明尼苏达州董事会政策3.1学生权利 & 责任, students have the following 权利 and responsibilities:

  1. 学习的自由
    In addition to the basic constitutional 权利 enjoyed by all citizens, students at colleges and universities have specific 权利 related to academic freedom and their status as students. Freedom to teach and freedom to learn are inseparable facets of academic freedom. The freedom to learn depends on appropriate opportunities and conditions in all learning environments, 在校园里, 在更大的社区里. Students are expected to exercise their freedom with responsibility.
  1. 言论自由
    Individual students and student organizations shall be free to examine and discuss all questions of interest to them and to express opinions publicly and privately. They shall be free to support causes by orderly means that do not substantially disrupt the regular and essential operation of the college or 大学. Students shall be free to take reasoned exception to the information or views offered in any course of study and to reserve judgment about matters of opinion, but they are responsible for learning the content of any course of study for which they are enrolled.
  1. 结社自由
    Students shall be free to organize and join organizations to promote their common and lawful interests, 根据学院或大学的政策, 程序, 、法规. Registration or recognition may be withheld or withdrawn from organizations that violate college or 大学 policies, 程序, 、法规.
  1. 学生支持论坛
    Students shall have the right to assemble, to select speakers, and to discuss issues of their choice. The college or 大学 shall establish reasonable time, place and manner restrictions to assure that the assembly does not substantially disrupt the work of the college or 大学 or interfere with the opportunity of other students to obtain an education or otherwise infringe upon the 权利 of others. Such regulations must not be used as a means of censorship. The president or designee may prohibit any forum when there is a likelihood of harm to individuals or damage to property if the event is held. 在任何此类禁令之前, the president shall make his or her best effort to consult with the student association.
  1. 学生出版物
    Student–funded publications must be free of censorship and advance approval of copy. Their editors and 经理 shall be free to develop their own editorial and news coverage policies. 编辑器, 经理, and contributors of student publications shall be protected from arbitrary suspension and removal because of student, 教师, 行政, 或公众对编辑政策或内容的不满. The student fee allocation process must not be used as a means of editorial control of student–funded publications. All student publications must explicitly state on the editorial page that the opinions there expressed are not necessarily those of the college, 大学, 系统, 或者学生团体.
  1. 学生的政策
    的政策, 程序, and regulations of the college or 大学 regarding student expectations, 权利, and responsibilities must be readily accessible to students.
  1. 目录和课程信息
    尽可能地, students must be provided relevant and accurate information regarding courses prior to enrollment. Catalog course descriptions and website postings must be accurate and based on information existing at the time of publication. 尽可能地, class schedules must list the names of 教师 teaching the courses.
  1. 学生学业成绩信息
    students shall have access to accurate information for establishing and maintaining acceptable academic standing, information which will enable students to determine their individual academic standing, 以及有关毕业要求的信息.
  1. 学术评价
    Student academic performance must be evaluated solely on the basis of academic standards, including any requirements that are noted in the catalog, 课程教学大纲, 学生手册, 或者在学院或大学的网站上. Students must have protection against prejudiced or capricious evaluation and not be evaluated on the basis of opinions or conduct in matters unrelated to academic standards. Students must have the right to review their corrected examinations or other required assignments used by the 教师 in evaluating the student’s academic performance.
  1. 产权
    学期论文, 论文, 项目, 艺术作品, and similar property including property in which the student has intellectual property 权利 pursuant to Board Policy 3.26必须在学生要求时归还给学生, 在合理的时间范围内, 当不再需要用于评估目的时, unless the student grants written permission for them to be retained.
  1. 学生检讨及谘询
    Students must have the right to appropriate levels of participation in college and 大学 decision–making pursuant to Board Policy 2.3、系统流程.3.1、学生参与决策.